May 2022

The Board Development Committee will meet on June3, 2022 at 8 am via Zoom. Two or more Board Members may be present. This meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend.

Two or more Board of Directors may be in attendance at the following school related events:
5/25/22 2 pm- 7 pm School Project Presentations @ school and Sunflower Theater
5/26/22 5 pm-8 pm Staff Going Away for Head of School @ Stonefish Sushi
6/1/22 5pm-7pm Board Going Away Event for Head of School @ Eso Terra in Dolores
​No Board business will be discussed and no action will be taken.

May 13, 2022

We are very pleased to welcome Karen Cook and Megan Waterman to our Board of Directors! Karen returned to Cortez from Pendleton, Oregon where she was the Wellness Director and Advanced Nurse Practitioner at the Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center. Karen has a wealth of experience in nursing and public health as a practitioner, program director, and teacher with particular focus on women’s health. Much of her career has been working for the Indian Health Services throughout the Four Corners Region. She and her family live in the area and her 4-year old granddaughter attends Children’s House. Karen shares a love of the mountains and canyons and mesas and enjoys the many sports and activities that are available here. She is an avid “creator” and always busy with many artistic buildings (she and her husband have built 4 houses together here), landscaping, and gardening projects.
Megan is currently residing in the Dominican Republic where she works as a librarian at the Carol Morgan School. Prior to that she worked to improve information literacy at the American School of Bombay. In Megan’s words, “my passion exists on both sides of the information relationship: helping the individual access the knowledge they seek and helping to organize the data in ways that support access.” Megan’s family is returning to our area where she previously worked for 10 years at Osprey Packs, managing purchasing, demand planning, and customer service departments, and for Bluecorn Naturals in Rico. Megan is an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys the amazing recreational opportunities and sports available in our region as well as reading, yoga, reading, gardening, and reading. Her husband, Andy, will be working as our new school counselor. 

May 11, 2022
The Kiva Montessori Board of Directors will hold a Special Meeting on May 12, 2022 at 8: 15 am.
Draft Agenda and Zoom link

​May 7, 2022
The Kiva Montessori Board of Directors will hold a Special Meeting on May 9, 2022 at 8: 15 am.
Draft Agenda and Zoom link